...no big deal, I'll run a marathon. the training and tantrums of a 20 something.
recap :: MoHud2013 week 2
Friday's "core training" was more intense than it sounds. A champion cage fighter (for real) taught the class and he wasn't really someone who seemed like he joked around a lot. It was 30 minutes of crazy planks, wall sits, push ups, balance exercises and ridiculous lunge kicks.
All my runs are still relegated to a treadmill and were accompanied by Jason Bateman and Michael Cera. Warm up and 2mi per episode of Arrested Development, thanks Netflix.
Monday: 60min BCC - arms & cardio; 60min spin; 45min total body
scheduled - 30min walk
Tuesday: 2mi
scheduled - rest
Wednesday: 60min BCC - legs; 1.5mi
scheduled - 1.5mi
Thursday: 3mi
scheduled - 3mi
Friday: 60min BCC - cardio; 30min spin; 30min core training
scheduled - 1.5mi
Saturday: 5mi walk/shopping/eating froyo
scheduled - rest
Sunday: 60min spin; 3.5mi
scheduled - 3.5mi
Weekly mileage: 10mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 9.5mi