the (new) plan

Hal Higdon's Novice Supreme

Since Marathon Training Plan round #1 didn't go so well, I've decided to switch it up for my second attempt. I've done my research. I've heard very good things from people that have used this. The trick will be to actually follow the plan.

This is a 30 week program (March through October for me) starting out slowly (I love that it has built in days for cross training and uses walks for recovery in the early weeks) and picks up toward the end but allows for a reasonable taper in the three weeks before m-day. It is nearly double the plan I had been using, but given the unfavorable outcome, it is probably best to reign it in and take my time.

The new goal - get to the starting line. As marathon training 2012 proved, if I don't make it to the start, I'm not going to finish.

I'll be sprinkling in some races here and there, you know... just for fun.