
recap :: MoHud2013 week 21

still hanging on my wall.
Back at it. I didn't get a long run in this weekend because Saturday was a fake rest day. I had tickets to the PGA championship and spent the day in the sun schlepping around the golf course following Jason Dufner and Jim Furyk. While it wasn't a run, I was wearing running kicks and probably walked more than 5miles (uphill both ways, of course). After my fake rest day, I needed wanted an actual rest day, so I spent Sunday doing the exact opposite of working out: watching TV and napping.

I promise long run will happen on Monday.

This week also marked the one year anniversary of the great fracture of 2012. Just sayin. 

Monday: 60min spin; 45min total body
                scheduled - cross
Tuesday: 60min spin
                scheduled - rest
Wednesday: 3mi
                scheduled - 3mi  
Thursday: rest
                scheduled - 7mi  
Friday: PT strength training
                scheduled - 4mi  
Saturday: rest
                scheduled - rest  
Sunday: rest
                scheduled - 10mi

Weekly mileage: 3mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 24mi