
recap :: MoHud2013 week 19

Thank god the spin studio doesn't judge me when I hobble in, fail to stand for the climbs and sport my knee brace the entire class. Side note: I really don't recommend doing an entire spin class seated.

I'm trying not to focus solely too much on my missed miles. This is my fourth consecutive week of posting zero in the mileage column.
remember me?

Monday: rest
                scheduled - cross
Tuesday: 60min spin
                scheduled - rest
Wednesday: rest
                scheduled - 3mi  
Thursday: 30min spin; 30min total body strength
                scheduled - 6mi  
Friday: rest
                scheduled - 3mi  
Saturday: rest
                scheduled - rest  
Sunday: 60min spin
                scheduled - 12mi

Weekly mileage: 0mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 24mi