
recap :: MoHud2013 week 10

Ten weeks in. Twenty more to go. 

Big fail this week. Instead of the scheduled 5.5mi on Sunday, I opted to skip it because it was cold out (as if I've never run in the northeast in the winter) and do the run on Monday (we also opted to skip the duathlon relay because of the weather too...). Great plan. Fastforward to Sunday night and you could find me on the dance floor reenacting senior prom at a  fabulous wedding. The only moving that took place on Monday was from the walk from my bed to the couch, where I sat with the dog for the duration of the day. I'm vaguely remembering the days of last summer when I was in bed early for long run Sunday and actually being excited about it.

I'm crossing my fingers for any ounce of motivation in week eleven. Yikes.

Monday: 60min BCC (arms)
                scheduled - 55min walk
Tuesday: 4.5mi (track workout, 400x10)
                scheduled - rest
Wednesday: 60min BCC (lower body)
                scheduled - 2mi  
Thursday: 2mi
                scheduled - 3mi  
Friday: 60mins BCC (cardio)
                scheduled - 2.5mi  
Saturday: rest
                scheduled - rest  
Sunday: rest bad dancing
                scheduled - 5.5mi

Weekly mileage: 6.5mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 13mi


recap :: MoHud2013 week 9

...you know it's summer when...
you're scheduled for more than 1 race per week.

To preface: when I say "race" what I really mean is a run with 100+ people I may or may not know, while wearing a bib, maybe a timing chip and pretty much sticking to the same course. Clearly I'm not out to fight for a spot in Rio 2016.

Last week was a reminder of when I loathed running because it made my whole self hurt (thanks knees, calves, feet and the rest of my aging body). Thankfully I was signed up for two races so I used those for training runs and was actually excited to lace up.

Thursday was a 3.5mi race and Sunday was a fun 5k for a great cause. This was my third start for each of the races. Last year, these races started the season  and were two of the few races I actually got to do (note to self: do not sign up for your entire season of runs all at once in April or May - if you hurt yourself in, say, August, you're out a bunch of money).

Thursday was warm, windy, sunny and fabulous for running. I PRed the distance and the course over my previous two attempts. Sunday was freezing less nice, but it ended with a stop at my favorite food truck for an early morning slider, so it wasn't all bad. I PRed the course and took a minute of my time from last year.

There may or may not be a duathlon relay in my future for next weekend. Yikes.

Monday: 60min BCC (arms)
                scheduled - 30min walk
Tuesday: 60min spin w/ abs
                scheduled - rest
Wednesday: 60min BCC (lower body), 2mi
                scheduled - 2mi  
Thursday: 3.5mi
                scheduled - 3mi  
Friday: 60min BCC (cardio); 2.5mi (speed work)
                scheduled - 2.5mi  
Saturday: rest
                scheduled - rest  
Sunday: 3.1mi
                scheduled - 3mi

Weekly mileage: 11.4mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 10.5mi


recap :: MoHud2013 week 8

Eight weeks deep. Bootcamp is back. After a 2+ week hiatus, it has returned with a vengeance and set up shop outdoors this time. The asphalt pavement feels really awesome on my knees, I'm loving all of the jumping. Saturday was supposed to be my reentry into hiking, but it rained so we decided to reschedule and I went shopping instead. I skipped one training run, took three rest days and ate a bunch of froyo - but had a stellar week in terms of shoe acquisition.
for the hike that wasn't.
how do you pass up wedges for $30?
trying to go back to my NB roots.

Monday: 60min BCC (arms); 60min spin 
                scheduled - 50min walk 
Tuesday: rest
               scheduled - rest 
Wednesday: 60min BCC (lower body); 2mi
               scheduled - 2mi   
Thursday: rest
               scheduled - 3mi   
Friday: 60min BCC (cardio); 1.7mi speed work
               scheduled - 2mi   
Saturday: rest
               scheduled - rest   
Sunday: 5.1mi
              scheduled - 5mi
Weekly mileage: 8.80mi 
Scheduled weekly mileage: 12mi


recap :: MoHud2013 week 7

Week seven is over with some milestones: my first 1.1mi this week marked my completion of Run 26.2 for Boston, I broke 100mi for the year this week and had my first actual (more than 4 miles) long run. Not quite a milestone, but I also broke out the sunscreen for all my runs this week - hellloooo Mr. Golden Sunshine! Following my 5k last Sunday, my left leg felt weird. I couldn't tell if it was weird where I broke it, or just weird because I was tired. As a safety measure I did my two spin classes mostly in the saddle (if you've never tried this - don't, it sucks) and had an easy run on Wednesday to see how I was feeling. Whatever it was went away with rest and foam rolling and my long run in the sun felt fantastic, despite a hydration fail (if a town park is open in May the water should be turned on and the bathrooms should be unlocked - am I right?).
Monday: 60min spin
                scheduled - 30min walk
Tuesday: 60min spin w/ abs
                scheduled - rest
Wednesday: 2mi
                scheduled - 2mi  
Thursday:3.15mi (hills)
                scheduled - 3mi  
Friday: rest
                scheduled - 2mi  
Saturday: 5.35mi
                scheduled - rest  
Sunday: 2mi (speedwork)
                scheduled - 3mi

Weekly mileage: 12.5mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 10mi