Week seven is over with some milestones: my first 1.1mi this week marked my completion of
Run 26.2 for Boston, I broke 100mi for the year this week and had my first actual (more than 4 miles) long run. Not quite a milestone, but I also broke out the sunscreen for all my runs this week - hellloooo Mr. Golden Sunshine! Following my 5k last Sunday, my left leg felt weird. I couldn't tell if it was weird where I broke it, or just weird because I was tired. As a safety measure I did my two spin classes mostly in the saddle (if you've never tried this - don't, it sucks) and had an easy run on Wednesday to see how I was feeling. Whatever it was went away with rest and foam rolling and my long run in the sun felt fantastic, despite a hydration fail (if a town park is open in May the water should be turned on and the bathrooms should be unlocked - am I right?).
Monday: 60min spin
scheduled - 30min walk
Tuesday: 60min spin w/ abs
scheduled - rest
Wednesday: 2mi
scheduled - 2mi
Thursday:3.15mi (hills)
scheduled - 3mi
Friday: rest
scheduled - 2mi
Saturday: 5.35mi
scheduled - rest
Sunday: 2mi (speedwork)
scheduled - 3mi
Weekly mileage: 12.5mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 10mi