I'm remembering what training feels like! This week was a running favorite (minus treadmill Thursday - Mother Nature didn't get the memo that summer in the northeast calls for sunshine, not torential downpours 4-6 days out of the week). Wednesday I took to the trails (and decided purchasing trail shoes is a must) with a newbie runner who was antsy to practice her trail running skills pre-Warrior Dash (...more on that later). We definitely added minutes to our time by finding a "trail" (not actually a trail, but a small clearing that sort of looked like a trail...kind of...not really), crossing a rickety bridge to get over a muddy creek and changing our route to avoid
stallion like wild dogs pets on the trail.
some serious walk breaks on our trail run. |
Sunday I planned to do an 8 mile race, but I was up and at 'em early and didn't want to wait until the
burn lay by the pool all day. So I went out alone, still did 8 miles, had pretty consecutive splits (with mile 8 being my fastest) and finished the entire run 40minutes after the race would have started. Home just in time to
sunburn lay by the pool all day.
In the spirit of not over doing it, I'm dialing it back next week. Long run Sunday will actually be a 5k race on Saturday.
Monday: 60min BCC (lower body); .75mi
scheduled - 30min walk
Tuesday: 3mi
scheduled - rest
Wednesday (National Running Day!): 60min BCC (arms); 3.1mi (trail)
scheduled - 3mi
Thursday: 3mi (treadmill)
scheduled - 3mi
Friday: 60mins BCC (cardio)
scheduled - 3mi
Saturday: rest
scheduled - rest
Sunday: 8mi
scheduled - 6mi
Weekly mileage: 17.85mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 15mi