
recap :: MoHud2013 week 3

All of my runs have been on the treadmill so far. This week is the week I break free of the confines of my house and enjoy the great outdoors. It is supposed to be warm and 60+ all week, so I think it's finally time to take this party outside.

Monday: 60min BCC - arms & cardio
                scheduled - 35min walk
Tuesday: 1.5mi; 60min spin
                scheduled - rest
Wednesday: 60min BCC - legs; 3mi
                scheduled - 1.5mi  
Thursday: 1.5mi
                scheduled - 3mi  
Friday: 60min BCC cardio
                scheduled - 1.5mi  
Saturday: 3mi
                scheduled - rest  
Sunday: 60min spin
                scheduled - 3mi

Weekly mileage: 9mi
Scheduled weekly mileage: 9mi