
I'm back.

Long time, no posts.

Again... Not so good at being a blogger. I'll work on it. Promise.

A little bit of catch up:

1. My leg is no longer broken (weeeeeeee!). I successfully graduated from my twice weekly physical therapy sessions, saw the orthopedist and got the all clear to hit the 'ol treadmill. So I have been doing just that since January and it's been swell.

2. I decided to train smart this year and mix up my work out routine. In other words, I'm not just going to run a bunch of miles every week and pretend that it is a total body workout. I've been frequenting at least three spin classes a week and signed up for Boot Camp Challenge - every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:30a. It's been lovely. Cross training in full effect.

3. I signed up for my first marathon (again) today! Yes, I signed up last year too... ::sigh::  After my euphoric feelings of elation for signing up for marathon2013 passed, I skipped to the gym and ran 5.5 joyous miles. And it felt damn good.

This time around I've opted to skip the formal training group and picked a 30 week training plan to ensure I make it to the start this year. Which is a key shift in my training focus. I'm actively trying to coax myself in being less concerned about the finish and more concerned about making it to the starting line in one, healthy, well trained and prepared piece.

Bring it, MoHudMarathon.